What can you do?​
Financial Donations
We do not receive any government, taxpayer, or insurance related funding.
We are reliant on individual donations to provide our FREE services to everyone.
What your support will do...​
$25 will provide an education class to five students
$50 will provide options consultation to a medical client
$100 will provide four First Steps classes
$250 will provide one ultrasound
$1,200 will help a woman with an unplanned pregnancy from first to last appointment (Options consultations, multiple ultrasounds, education, etc.)
Can you make a one-time or monthly donation?
​​Spread the Word!
A large number of clients are referred to us by word of mouth.
Donate maternal and baby items!
New or gently used maternal and baby items are always welcome for our Parenting Support Program, formerly First Steps. For our current, specific needs, please call the clinic or e-mail firststepsmentor@claritywi.com.
Donate Gift Cards for baby item purchases. ​​
Current Baby Boutique Needs as of 5/5/2023:
Size 5 Diapers
(2) Foldable Highchairs
Umbrella Strollers
Baby Sunscreen
Baby Friendly/Natural Insect Repellant
From all of us at Clarity Clinic of SW Wisconsin, LTD, thank you for your support!